At FIPFA, we recognize that the success and fair play of Powerchair Football hinges on the proficiency and expertise of our referees. We are committed to ensuring that every referee associated with us receives ample training, guidance, and opportunities to achieve their maximum potential.
Educational Framework: Under the supervision of the Training Department, and in collaboration with the Referees Commission, FIPFA extends comprehensive training to referees across all zones. This includes:
Theory Component: Referees undergo a theoretical training followed by a written test in English. Achieving an 80% score is essential for passing.
Practical Evaluation: The theoretical knowledge is then put to the test in real-world scenarios. Referees’ rule-application during matches is critically evaluated. Constructive feedback is provided after each match, ensuring continuous learning. A score of 80% is mandatory in this practical component.
Referee Accreditation Pathway:
Grade 4 – National Referee:
- Restricted to officiating national matches.
- Requires completion of an NOPF-led course with both theoretical and practical evaluations.
- Referees must maintain a match logbook.
- This grade serves as a foundational step toward Grade 3.
Grade 3 – Regional Referee:
- Accreditation is achieved post a successful FIPFA clinic, achieving a 75% score in a written test.
- Referees must complete two on-field evaluations at regional competitions.
- Refereeing at regional events demands supervision by a FIPFA accredited instructor.
- An annual match and events logbook submission to FIPFA’s Training Department head is imperative.
Grade 2 – International Referee:
- NOPF-nominated regional referees attend a FIPFA clinic, scoring at least 80% in a written test.
- On-field evaluations are crucial, aligning with international referee criteria.
- After refereeing a minimum of two regional or international matches, they’re awarded the FIPFA Badge.
- Referees are eligible to officiate at all FIPFA-sanctioned events.
- Submission of an annual logbook to the Training Department head remains essential.
Grade 1 – Advanced Level International Referee (FIPFA Head Referee/FIPFA Referee Instructor):
- Requires significant FIPFA and/or FIFA refereeing experience.
- An in-depth understanding of the Laws of the Game is non-negotiable.
- Leadership skills are paramount as this grade involves guiding and supervising other referees during FIPFA events.
- An inclination to contribute to the educational framework is welcomed, either as an instructor or evaluator.
Maintenance Protocol:
- Level 4: Adhere to requirements set by NOPF.
- Level 1 – 3: Referees are expected to:
- Maintain a detailed logbook, encompassing national, regional, and international activities.
- Attend periodic workshops, rule update clinics, and referees’ meetings during competitions as directed.
Our vision is to build a robust community of referees who uphold the integrity and spirit of Powerchair Football, ensuring every game is played fairly and is a true testament to the skills and strategies of the players.

Get in Touch
For information regarding Refereeing, get in contact with Martin Bevan, FIPFA Head of Referees.